Coronavirus Covid-19

For the latest updates please visit this page before visiting the club.

15 June 2021

Following the Government’s announcement that the lifting of Covid 19 restrictions planned for 21st June have been delayed until the 19th July we are forced to cancel the Club Open Day that was scheduled for 24th June. The Committee will look at rescheduling the event for later in the year. All other events will go ahead as planned subject to any further Government Covid restrictions.


10 May 2021

You will be aware that from Monday 17th May the next stage of the Government’s easing of Covid restrictions takes place (Roadmap Stage 3). This states that:-

People can meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors, and six people or two households can meet indoors.

Following on from this, from Monday 17th May the club will no longer use an on line booking system, and members will be free to attend when they wish, with Thursday mornings returning to the ‘normal’ club meeting time. In the past we have always had less than 30 members attend at one time on a Thursday morning, and we would assume the same will happen now. We would obviously ask members to be aware of numbers present, and should you arrive and find that there are 30 other members present you would be expected to leave site. We believe this would be most unlikely, but to ensure compliance and for the safety of all members this will be a club requirement.

Also the combination lock will be re-fitted to the clubhouse door, to allow members free access into the clubhouse. Numbers MUST be limited to 6 people at a time, for compliance and the safety of all, and we would ask all members to be considerate and observe this club requirement. If 6 people are in the clubhouse, and others are wanting to enter to brew a cuppa, please move outside to allow everyone a fair and safe use of the clubhouse. Similarly the ‘Lookout’ shelter will be available to 6 people at a time, (it is considered an inside space under the current Government definitions), and for the safety of all we would ask all members to be considerate and observe this club requirement.

If we all work together to provide a safe environment to enjoy our hobby, then all will be well. If members are not able to follow the rules (and we are aware of that from CCTV or other evidence) we will have to consider re-closing the clubhouse, and possibly reinstating a booking system, either of which would be a retrograde and undesirable move.

Remember it is only another 5 weeks before we can have ‘unrestricted use of the facilities’ on June 21st, so it is not long to wait or to have to follow these requirements.

Can I thank you on behalf of the Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this please contact me. Please continue to observe the current Government guidance and the club rules and requirements given above.

Above all stay safe, keep your fellow club members safe and enjoy our return to ‘normal’ sailing and meeting up.


28th March 2021


To move forward with the current Government guidance, from 1st April the club will allow a maximum of 6 people to attend the club at the same time, provided they maintain social distancing rules and stay 2 metres apart. You must remember that Covid 19 has NOT gone away and whilst things in our area may seem to be safe, and therefore the need to observe guidance not important, that is not true. The club has many vulnerable members and we must all take care to avoid placing any of them at risk.

The 29th, 30th, and 31st will be used for working parties to make sure the site is safe for members to attend. Please be aware that the booking in book will be in the new shelter, and members should sign in as normal.

I would remind all members that if you are planning on attending with another person you must book a slot for each person attending, to ensure that no more than 6 people are at the club at any one time.

The on line booking system will become live during the evening of the 31st March, and members must book a slot for each person attending, if they want to attend. If anyone requires more information on the booking system please get in touch.

The clubhouse will remain locked, as the current guidance does not allow people to meet up inside. This will be reviewed in line with the ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown.

Whilst the Club is ‘open’ it is up to each member to make their own assessment of the situation and decide for themselves what they believe is appropriate, and if they want to attend the site. If you are unsure please read the guidance on the Government web site, and take your own view. If attending please follow guidance on social distancing etc. You may wish to wear a face mask if there are others at the club, or simply book when no one else is present.

Can I thank you on behalf of the Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this please contact me. In the words of the Government, Hands, Face and Space is the way to contain this virus. Continue to observe the current Government guidance and the club rules.

Above all stay safe and keep your fellow club members safe.


30th December 2020


Following the increasing transmission of Covid, and the move of Warwickshire into Tier 4 tomorrow, the Committee has decided,  that in the interests of protecting the members, bookings for visiting the  Club Waters shall cease from 0001 hrs tomorrow (Thursday 31st), and the club water will ‘shut down’.  Any existing bookings will be cancelled, and those people notified that their booking is no longer valid.

We regret having to take this action, as we have kept the facility open previously, but the feeling is that the risks are increasing and we do not want to put our members at any risk, particularly as we are approaching mass vaccination (when hopefully restrictions will relax), and we are in the winter when the weather is inclement and the number of members visiting is low anyway.

We will review this decision should there be any change to the Tier level, or other changes which may affect the risks to members. I will keep members informed of any changes.

Can I thank you on behalf of the Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this please contact me. We all as individuals have a duty of care to not endanger others and are responsible for our own actions and their consequences, and I would urge all members to observe the current Tier 4: Stay at Home  guidance which can be found on the Government web site.

In the words of the Government, Hands, Face, Space.  Continue to observe the current Government guidance and the club rules, and stay safe.


28th November 2020

You will by now know that Warwickshire as a whole has been put into Tier 3, with the associated new restrictions.  The Government have issued revised guidance and restrictions for each Tier, which is available on their website.

The Committee has looked at this guidance and concluded that the Club can continue to operate, with a limit of 6 people attending at any one time, and be compliant with the current restrictions detailed for Tier 3.

To move forward with the current Government guidance, from 3rd December the club will allow a maximum of 6 people to attend the club at the same time, provided they maintain social distancing rules and stay 2 metres apart.  You must remember that Covid 19 has NOT gone away and whilst things in our area may seem to be safe, and  therefore the need to observe guidance is not important, that is not true. The club has many vulnerable members and we must all take care to avoid placing any of them at risk.

I would remind all members that if you are planning on attending with another person you must book a slot for each person attending, to ensure that no more than 6 people are at the club at any one time.

The clubhouse will remain locked, as the current guidance does not allow people to meet up inside. This will be reviewed if and when the guidance from the government is updated, or we move down into Tier 2.

Whilst the Club is ‘open’ it is up to each member to make their own assessment of the situation and decide for themselves what they believe is appropriate, and if they want to attend the site. If you are unsure please read the guidance on the Government web site, and take your own view. You may wish to wear a face mask if there are others at the club, or simply book when no one else is present. If attending please follow Government guidance on social distancing etc.

Can I thank you on behalf of the Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this please contact me. In the words of the Government, Hands, Face and Space is the way to fight this virus. Please continue to observe the current Government guidance and the club rules.

Above all stay safe and keep your fellow club members safe.


9th November 2020

You will be aware that the Government is introducing additional restrictions (lockdown)  from 0001 hours Thursday morning. From the information made public so far this does include limiting people from one household  to meeting outside with only one person from another household. The guidance published on the .gov website says:-

3. Meeting with family and friends

You must not meet socially indoors with family or friends unless they are part of your household – meaning the people you live with – or support bubble.

support bubble is where a household with one adult joins with another household. Households in that support bubble can still visit each other, stay overnight, and visit outdoor public places together.

You can exercise or visit outdoor public places with the people you live with, your support bubble, or 1 person from another household.

Outdoor public places include:

  • parks, beaches, countryside,
  • public gardens (whether or not you pay to enter them), allotments
  • playgrounds

You cannot meet in a private garden.

This is subject to the vote in the House Of Commons on Wednesday agreeing the restrictions, but that would seem to be likely to happen. [House of Commons voted this through on 4th November].

The key point for the club is:-

You can exercise or visit outdoor public places with the people you live with, your support bubble, or 1 person from another household.

The committee has been considering how the club can be compliant, as obviously club racing cannot proceed and we can no longer have 6 members at the club at the same time.

We are therefore reducing the number of ‘shipmate slots’ from 6 to 2 from the morning of Thursday 5th. To this end all bookings from Thursday morning onwards will be cancelled, and members will need to re-book, but only 2 slots will then be available. Where 2 people from the same household wish to attend, they must each book a slot, meaning no one from another household can attend.

This will hopefully only be until the beginning of December and we will be reviewing any changes to the guidance (and the vote on Wednesday), and will make any changes necessary to follow the guidance current at the time.

Can I remind members that failure to follow Government Guidance could result in the Club and you as an individual being fined. We are sure that members will understand the need for this temporary change to the Club rules, and will observe it.

The committee shall be empowered to monitor and enforce these rules, and any member disregarding these rules and placing others at risk may be subject to the Club’s disciplinary procedure, detailed in Knightcote Model Boat Club Operational Procedures. Please be aware that CCTV video will be reviewed regularly and could be used as part of that process.

Whilst these rules may seem draconian, in the current situation we believe they are necessary. They will be reviewed and modified as the Government Guidance changes. Please remember they are for the safety of us all in these worrying times. Please Stay Safe.

KMBC Committee

2nd October 2020

Covid 19 Update (Rule of 6), and Visitors to the Club

You will all be aware of the recent Government changes to the Covid 19 guidance and the Rule of 6 which makes it illegal to meet in groups of more than 6 people, either indoors or outdoors. The Club continues to operate its booking system, which limits the number of members and guests to 6 people at any given time, and this is in place to ensure we remain compliant. Can I ask all members to book a slot for themselves, and each guest attending with them, before attending the club. Please remember that individuals, as well as the Club can be fined for breaking this limit of 6 people meeting at any given time. and observe the Rules.

Can I also remind members that we do not own the site, and we share it with the farm owners, workers, and visitors to the holiday cottages. They have just as much of a right to visit the pond as we do, and I would ask all members to treat visitors with respect, allow them to look around, whilst keeping a social distance at all times. We do not want to ‘upset’ our Landlord, who makes an income from the visitors, and an inconsiderate attitude to visitors may get fed back to him.

Can I finally thank members for their help and support in keeping the Club a safe and compliant facility, and wish you all happy sailing.

Chris Moir

28 May 2020


Further to my previous emails regarding the Temporary Club Rules, I thought it would be useful to highlight the Government’s current guidance (updated Thursday 28th) so members are fully aware of what is allowed.

Please note and observe the content of this email as it provides guidance on keeping all of us safe.

At the daily briefing on Thursday 28/5/2020 the Prime Minister said:-

“Lastly, I know the toll that lockdown has taken on families and friends who have been unable to see each other.

So from Monday we will allow up to six people to meet outside – provided those from different households continue strictly to observe social distancing rules by staying two metres apart.

At the moment, as you know, people can meet in parks but not in private gardens. This was a cautious first step – but we know that there is no difference in the health risk. So we will now allow people to meet in gardens and other private outdoor spaces.

These changes mean friends and family can start to meet their loved ones – perhaps seeing both parents at once, or both grandparents at once. I know that for many this will be a long-awaited and joyful moment.

But I must stress that to control the virus, everyone needs to stay alert, act responsibly, strictly observe social distancing rules, and stay two metres apart from those who you do not live with.

Minimising contact with others is still the best way to prevent transmission. You should also try to avoid seeing people from too many households in quick succession – so that we can avoid the risk of quick transmission from lots of different families and continue to control the virus.

And it remains the case that people should not be inside the homes of their friends and families, unless it is to access the garden.

I should add that, at this stage, I am afraid that those who have been asked to shield themselves should continue to do so.”

To move forward with the current Government guidance, from Monday 1st June the club will allow a maximum of 6 people to attend the club at the same time, provided they maintain social distancing rules and stay 2 metres apart.

To this end the Slot Booking System has been temporarily blocked, to allow us to modify it to allow 6 slots per hour. This will be reinstated on Monday 1st June, and I will email revised guidance on using the new system before then.

I would remind all members that if you are planning on attending with another person you must book a slot for each person attending, to ensure that no more than 6 people are at the club at any one time.

Whilst you may believe that it is safe for more than 6 people to be at the club at the same time, your view may not be shared by the others present, and is in breach of the Government guidance, and as a result in breach of club rules. The Committee cannot stress enough that any person disregarding Government guidance, or the temporary rules, thereby placing other members at risk, could have their membership revoked in accordance with the Club Rules.

You must remember that Covid 19 has NOT gone away and whilst things may seem to be safe, and  therefore the need to observe guidance not important, that is not true. The club has many vulnerable members and we must all take care to avoid placing any of them at risk.

The clubhouse will remain locked, as the current guidance does not allow people to meet up inside. This will be reviewed  as guidance from the government is updated,

The Club encourage members to wear gloves or other forms of PPE if they wish, to protect themselves and other members. 

The Club would advise members to bring their own launching cradles whenever possible, as the Club cradles could, when used by a number of members, be a means of transferring the virus if anyone is infected. If you intend to use the Club cradles you must wipe them with sanitising wipes before and after use, and where possible use disposable gloves whilst using them.

We all as individuals have a duty of care to not endanger others and are responsible for our own actions and their consequences. Remember washing hands is a significant precaution against the virus.

Can I thank you on behalf of the Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this please contact me. In the words of the Government, Stay Alert, Control the Virus and Save Lives.  Continue to observe the current Government guidance and the club rules.

Above all stay safe and keep your fellow club members safe.


15 May 2020

I am emailing to let you know that we now have an online booking system on the website, to allow members to ‘book’ a slot at the club water. If we all use this it will allow members who wish to attend the club to see if other people are at the club so they can decide when or if they want to come down.

You book a half hour slot, but that gives you the full hour (to allow a max of 2 people to book the same hour slot i.e. one from 9:00 to 9:30, and one from 9:30 to 10:00). Please do not block book all of a morning, give other members a chance to book a slot and attend the club. Please be sensible and we will all benefit from this system.

The booking page is accessed by clicking on a tab on the home
page, or using this link    
and uses the same password as Waterlines. (If you are unsure of the password if
you email me I will tell you what it is).

If you should have a problem booking a slot, please either
contact Phil (who has put his contact details on the guide) or myself and we
will help you.

12 May 2020

Further to my email yesterday regarding the Temporary Club Rules, I thought it would be useful to highlight the Government’s current guidance (updated Sunday) so members are fully aware of what is allowed. This may be found on the Government website here 

Please note and observe the content of
this email as it provides guidance on keeping all of us

The sections most relevant to the club

1. Public
spaces / outdoor activities / exercise

1.1 What
can I do from Wednesday 13 May that I couldn’t do

There will be a
limited number of things you can do on Wednesday that you cannot do

  • spend time outdoors –
    for example sitting and enjoying the fresh air, picnicking, or
  • meet one other person
    from a different household outdoors – following social distancing
  • exercise outdoors as
    often as you wish – following social distancing guidelines
  • use outdoor sports
    courts or facilities, such as a tennis or basketball court, or golf course –
    with members of your household, or one other person while staying 2 metres
  • go to a garden

At all times, you
should continue to observe social distancing guidelines when you are outside
your home, including ensuring you are 2 metres away from anyone outside your
household. As with before, you cannot:

  • visit friends and
    family in their homes
  • exercise in an indoor
    sports court, gym or leisure centre, or go swimming in a public
  • use an outdoor gym or
  • visit a private or
    ticketed attraction
  • gather in a group of
    more than two (excluding members of your own household), except for a few
    specific exceptions set out in law (for work, funerals, house moves, supporting
    the vulnerable, in emergencies and to fulfil legal

If you are showing
coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating, you
should stay at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving

1.3 Are
you reopening tennis courts / golf courses / basketball courts


Sports courts can re-open, but you should only partake in such activities alone,
with members of your household, or with one other person from outside your
household, while practising social distancing. You should take particular care
if you need to use any indoor facilities next to these outdoor courts, such as

should not use these facilities if you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if
you or any of your household are self-isolating.

1.4 Can I
meet my friends and family in the park?


can meet one other person from outside your household if you are outdoors.
Public gatherings of more than 2 people from different households are prohibited
in law. There are no limits on gatherings in the park with members of your

The main points for
club members to note and observe if they are intending to visit the Club

If you are showing coronavirus
symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay
at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving

You can use outdoor sports courts or
facilities, such as a tennis or basketball court, or golf course – with members
of your household, or one other person while staying 2 metres

You cannot gather in a group of more
than two (excluding members of your own household), except for a few specific
exceptions set out in law

Sports courts can
re-open, but you should only partake in such activities alone, with members of
your household, or with one other person from outside your household, while
practising social distancing. You should take particular care if you need to use
any indoor facilities next to these outdoor courts, such as toilets. You should
not use these facilities if you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if you or
any of your household are self-isolating.

You can meet one
other person from outside your household if you are outdoors. Public gatherings
of more than 2 people from different households are prohibited in

Therefore if you are attending the
club and there are already 2 others present you would be contravening current
Government guidance (and by default our rules) if you stay. To comply with the
guidance you would have to leave and return when no one else, or only one other
person is present.

The Club encourage members to wear
gloves or other forms of PPE if they wish, to protect themselves and other

The Club would advise members to bring
their own launching cradles whenever possible, as the Club cradles could, when
used by a number of members, be a means of transferring the virus if anyone is
infected. If you intend to use the Club cradles you must wipe them with
sanitising wipes before and after use, and where possible use disposable gloves
whilst using them.

We all as individuals have a duty of
care to not endanger others and are responsible for our own actions and their
consequences. Remember washing hands is a significant precaution against the

Can I thank you on behalf of the
Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this
please contact me. In the words of the Government, Stay Alert, Control the Virus
and Save Lives.  Continue to observe the current Government guidance and the
club rules.

Above stay safe and keep your fellow
club members safe.

11th May 2020

Recently, as it became apparent that the Government could introduce some easing of the lockdown, the committee has been exploring how the Club could accommodate members returning to the club waters in a safe and controlled manner. To avoid confusion and ensure a consistent approach that will minimise the risk to members who may attend at differing times, or together, the Committee has agreed a set of Temporary Additional Rules, that members will be required to follow. These are designed to facilitate social distancing, and the cleanliness  of surfaces etc to avoid cross contamination, for the safety of all.

These follow, and you should read them and take note of the revised procedures.  The Committee will review the rules, both as Government guidance evolves, and as the committee sees appropriate, whilst observing Government guidance. The overriding intention is the safety of our members, and to minimise any potential inadvertent  transmission of coronavirus through surface contamination or lack of social distancing.

The Committee cannot stress enough that any person
disregarding Government guidance, or the temporary rules, thereby placing other
members at risk, could have their membership revoked in accordance with the Club

We will be relocating the signing in book, and providing
sanitising wipes as in the temporary rules in the next few days, and members
should bring sanitising wipes with them to use cleaning surfaces etc, for their
own safety, as well as the safety of others.

Can I thank you on behalf of the Committee for your co-operation, and should you have any queries regarding this please contact me. In the words of the Government, Stay Alert, Control the Virus and Save Lives. Above stay safe and keep your fellow club members safe.

Temporary Additional Club Rules Relating To Coronavirus

As the country begins to ease the Coronavirus lockdown, the Club Committee is aware that the safety of our members (many of whom are elderly and some of whom have underlying health issues) is paramount. Whilst the committee believes that our members are responsible people, they have introduced the following temporary rules to minimise the risk to members when attending the club.

  1. All attendance and activities at the club site shall be strictly in accordance with the Government Guidelines in force at the time.
  2. In addition to the government guidance the following temporary rules shall be observed by all members and their guests attending the club site:-

2.1. Due to difficulties in maintaining social distancing when in or entering/leaving the clubhouse, the clubhouse shall not be used. In addition to the social distancing problems, use of the clubhouse could potentially result in the inadvertent contamination of the surfaces, kettle, lock etc with coronavirus, and place members at risk.

To assist in this the signing in book will be placed in Franks Folly, and members shall sign in as normal. Members are also advised to bring their own pen to sign in with, drinks and refreshments.

2.2. Only the Gents toilet shall be used, and members shall wipe the taps, toilet flush handle (if used), door handle and lock on leaving the toilet, with the sanitizing wipes provided, to minimise the risk to other members. Wipes to be disposed of in the dustbin in Frank’s Folly.

2.3. Members shall observe strict social distancing when other members are present. To this end:-

2.3.1. Only one person per bench (members from the same household may share a bench). If there are more members present than benches then consider using the seats or your car boot for model storage. 2.3.2. Only one person shall use the launching/landing stage at any one time, and once the boat is launched/retrieved the person shall move away from the area whilst maintaining the required social distancing, to allow others to access the launching stage. 2.3.3. Members (committee members if present) shall wipe down the railings to the launching stage and boat launching cradles regularly using the sanitising wipes provided in Frank’s Folly. Wipes to be disposed of in the dustbin in Frank’s Folly. 2.3.4. Members/guests shall maintain the required social distancing whilst sailing their boats.

  1. The committee shall be empowered to monitor and enforce these rules, and any member disregarding these rules and placing others at risk may be subject to the Club’s disciplinary procedure, detailed in Knightcote Model Boat Club Operational Procedures. Please be aware that CCTV video will be reviewed regularly and may be used as part of that process.
  2. Club members may wish to wear gloves or other PPE whilst at the club for their own safety or the safety of others, and that will be encouraged.

Whilst these rules may seem draconian, in the current situation we believe they are necessary. They will be reviewed and modified as the Government Guidance changes. Please remember they are for the safety of us all in these worrying times. Stay Safe.

KMBC Committee

25th March 2020

Following latest government advice all club events are cancelled until further notice. It is hoped that the Model Engineering Exhibition and the Model Boat Show will still go ahead but we shall just have to wait and see.
Should restrictions on movement be eased the KMBC committee will look at rescheduling some of the usual events. In the meantime we wish you all well. Stay safe at home and maybe make a boat or two?
Phill your KMBC webmaster.

Secretary’s letter of 17th March 2020.

I write this as the spread of Coronavirus is increasing and after the Government has altered it’s advice on how we should be reacting to the current situation.
The Club, by it’s very nature is ‘open all hours’, and provides a meeting point and social contact for the members to enjoy their hobby, and natter to others.
We have no desire or intention to introduce restrictions on attending the club, or ‘shutting it down’, but feel we must advise members to take note of the Government advice to ‘stop non-essential contact with others. This is particularly important for people over 70, those with underlying health conditions and pregnant women’. Whilst we do not have any pregnant women members (that we know of), we have our fair share of over 70s and members with underlying health conditions.
We are therefore advising members to look at their own situation, and decide what they feel is appropriate for them to minimise the risk to themselves, and other club members, and to act accordingly.
Can I ask that if you are a regular attendee and decide to stay away, or change your regular day and time to come down when there will be few people present, could you please let me know, to avoid any possible concerns for your wellbeing that a sudden absence may cause. Similarly, if you experience any suspect symptoms and are self-isolating, can you also please let me know so that I can advise members that they may have been in contact with someone who may have contracted the virus, and so should be alert for any symptoms they develop. I will obviously observe confidentiality and not disclose anyone’s name in that situation.
I will update members on any virus related issues, and we will set up a Corronavirus section on the website to keep members informed of any updates.
Finally, can I say, enjoy model boat building, enjoy sailing you boats, and enjoy the club facilities, but please do what you feel is necessary to stay safe. That is the most important thing in these exceptional times.

Comments are closed.